Thursday, February 20, 2025

As of January 1, 2025 New York State requires all motorized boaters

Make Sure You Inform Your Guests

As of January 1, 2025 New York State requires all motorized boaters to carry a Safe Boating Certificate from their home state or New York State while operating a boat. For those who do not already have a Safe Boating Certificate, boaters can earn their certificate by taking a classroom course with certified New York State instructors or through several approved online course options including through their home state. Additionally, certificates issued by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, America's Boating Club, US Powerboating and other NASBLA certified courses are recognized. 

Persons may rent and operate a boat without obtaining a boating safety certificate. Boat rental livery staff must provide basic instruction and safety information prior to the renters leaving the dock. Visitors and NYS residents who possess a valid state driver's license may rent motorized boats, as well as certain non-motorized boats, at half-day, full-day, or multi-day rates.

We urge area businesses to let their customers know about these requirements. The safe boating course certificate requirement has been phased-in over the past few years so many boaters in (and visiting) New York are already familiar with the requirement. However, now that all boat operators (excluding renters) must possess a safe boating course certificate while operating a boat, it will be important for us all to make sure that folks are aware of this in advance of their time on New York waters.

A list of online and classroom courses is available through the NYS Parks Boating Education page, which is one of the links available on CCVB’s Tourchautauqua page on Boating (link below). There is also information on boat launches and boat rental liveries. Please consider providing a link to this information to your guests and customers (where applicable).


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